Various factors affect the course of a business. They can be political, economic, or behavioral. This article discusses the three most basic behavioral characteristics, as well as economic ones.

Economic factors in business

Economic factors play a big role in decision-making and business management.

Economic factors are related to goods, services, and money. Despite the direct impact on businesses, these variables refer to the financial health of the economy at a higher level, be it local or global. This is because the state of the economy can decide many of the important details that come up in a business, including topics such as consumer demand, taxes, and asset values.

Examples of economic factors affecting a business are:

  • Interest rates.
  • Exchange rates.
  • Inflation.
  • Taxes.
  • Supply and demand.

Pay attention to each of them to regulate the state of affairs in your business.


It is easy to guess that attention must first be attracted and that it is the first step in this cycle of factors influencing business development. This must be done, of course, using marketing and advertising (in particular, Internet marketing and advertising). But, unfortunately, and let it seem simple and logical, many here and often make mistakes – they do not attract enough attention from potential customers to their business.

It is better, of course, if you can delegate this task to someone and deal with the strategic functions of business development yourself. So, at the end of the paragraph, I will say a banal thing, but a really important one: in order to develop your business, the first thing to do is to attract the attention of potential consumers.


Reputation is a factor that can significantly affect the development of your business. What is reputation? Reputation is a clear opinion about your company and/or product and how your business looks in the eyes of consumers. Moreover, this does not have to be true (although most often, this is true). Building a reputation is hard work; it takes a long time to make from the very first business undertakings, with no guarantee of success.

But nevertheless, reputation can be managed, even manipulated if you want. I don’t know about ethical business standards, but to “impose” a positive opinion about oneself, today there are many opportunities and tools, especially on the Internet. How well this can work in the long run depends, among other things, on the next factor in our list of factors influencing business development.


Trust is a factor that can only be influenced by your work, only by the competent conduct of your business; through no intermediaries can you improve customers’ confidence; you can’t buy it with any money. Only a direct relationship with the audience can inspire confidence in you. Here it’s up to anyone: on the one hand, we must act competently, emphasize customer focus, and work honestly and hard (manipulations and easy ways are indispensable); on the other hand, everything is in our hands.

Trust can bring stability to our business. Customers who trust will come back, which is the basis of a stable company.


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